Korean Recipes

Delicious Korean recipes take traditional spices, such as kimchi, and combine them with authentic Korean ingredients including cabbage, beef, and rice to produce mouthwatering Korean dishes, drinks, and appetizers.

Staff Picks

Our Top-Rated Korean Recipes

Korean food goes beyond kimchi, bulgogi and pork buns.
By MyRecipes

Dive into Korean Cuisine

Enjoy an international meal tonight by serving a Korean-style dinner.

The Best Sriracha Substitute Is Korean Gochujang

Chef David Lee of Manhattan's Osamil talks Korean mother sauces and blenders
By Maxine Builder

This Korean Ingredient Makes Your Chili Taste Amazing

As in, more amazing than it already is.
By Matthew Kassel

Inspiration and Ideas

Your Ultimate Guide to Asian Noodles
Plus, what to substitute if you can't find what you're looking for.
15 Asian Dumpling Dishes
Each of these flavorful dishes are comprised of a classic and traditional Asian recipe: dumplings!